large outdoor garden sculpture
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ADAPT – 3m

Corten Steel Sculpture
Hand fabricated steel

Suitable for outdoor placement
large-scale garden sculpture

Product Description

Chris Flenley
Australian Sculptor 

Geometric sculpture in steel.
Large-scale metal garden sculpture

My career as a boilermaker working with steel has been a large part of my development as a disciplined maker.
More recently my work has moved away from the industrial environment and I find that creating sculpture allows
me to further explore and enjoy my ideas with mild steel, cor-ten and stainless steel without boundaries and
limitations. Time spent with a pencil lost in a sketchbook, or in my Macedon studio between the welder and
grinder, fill me with excitement and unlimited possibilities. My work explores simple geometric shapes,
evocative lines and abstract forms. Robust yet fluid, I seek equilibrium in my work.